Friday, March 14, 2014

Lessons from an MBA: Venture Club September

The meeting had a panel of winners of the 2013 Indianapolis Innovators Showcase. The Showcase on July 2013 was aimed to have startup companies pitch, network and search for seed funding for their ideas.

1. Best Seed Pitch, 2013 Innovation Showcase Company of the Year: Emphymab Biotech: Presenter Joe Trebley
Emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD is the third largest cause of death in US. Emphymab is the result of the research of Dr. Irina Petrache, Dr. Matthias Clauss and Dr. Brian Johnstone. They use human monoclonal antibodies in a proprietary method to slow down or halt emphysema, rather than mask its symptoms, like current medications do
I’m particularly interested in this because I’m a molecular biochemist so business mixing with biological research always perks my ears up. They work with Indiana University Research and Technology Transfer (IURTC). IURTC takes inventions and ideas from IU staff and help them develop, patent and commercialize them.

Check IURTC out here
Check out Emphymab Biotech  here

2. Best Startup Pitch, Grand Prize Honorable Mention: Revive Electronics, Presenter: Micah Trusty
Joel Trusty had a problem. His wife’s phone went for a spin in the washing machine and a replacement would cost $500. Rather than shell out his precious moolah, he called up a bunch of friends and had a mini party with the aim of fixing the phone. After several beers and tries, they fixed it using heat and vacuum suction. Revive Electronics was born. They specialize in recovering moisture damage electronics in 25 minutes.

Check them out here

Other notable mentions

3. Elevate Pitch invitations: Enfront technologies, Presenter: Bill Corbin.
He does micromarketing for small business and nonprofits. He helps small business advertise directly to customers in a form of mass marketing.

4. Best First Round Pitch: BlueBridge Digital, Presenter: Santiago Jaramillo
BlueBridge Digital builds apps for small businesses and charges a monthly fee for it. Santiago won the Young Professional of the Year Award for Indiana State. His company targets higher education, tourism and religious organizations.

Quote of the day: We live on the condensation of our imagination level

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