Friday, March 14, 2014

Lessons from an MBA: Failure is a very viable option

Have you had a great idea, wanted to start a business but stopped because of the possibility of failure? I think we all have. My newest lesson in MBA for you is to embrace failure.

We met with Michael Cloran of DeveloperTown in Broad Ripple who shared his remarkable story of the several businesses that he started, several of which failed and one or two struck gold.

The more you get comfortable with failing and making mistakes, the more emboldened you are to learn from your mistakes and go out there and try again. the key here is learn from your mistakes and keep repeating the same mistakes. I like the motto " Let us make better mistakes tomorrow."

If you quit walking the first day you stumbled, you never would have learned how to walk. Let us not dampen or lose the curiosity, courage and learning of a child.

If you want to learn more about Mike's lessons on failure, check out Lessons from an MBA: Mike Cloran on failure.

Share your lessons and experiences on failure, picking yourself up and trying again.

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